Viral Hepatitis

January 21, 2025
Last updated
May 28, 2024

About Viral Hepatitis

Hepatitis refers to inflammation of the liver. Although there are several potential causes of hepatitis, the illness is often caused by a viral infection. Healthcare-associated hepatitis outbreaks most commonly involve hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), both of which are bloodborne pathogens and can result in chronic infections that may lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. 

In healthcare settings, transmission of HBV and HCV typically results from infection control breaches that expose patients to blood from another person. HBV and HCV outbreaks can be difficult to recognize due to the potential for asymptomatic infections and prolonged incubation periods (weeks to months).

A single case of possible healthcare-associated HBV or HCV warrants investigation and follow-up to rule out a larger problem.

Healthcare-associated hepatitis A virus (HAV) can also transmit in healthcare settings. HAV is spread by the fecal-oral route. 

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Viral Hepatitis: Healthcare Investigation Guide


This toolkit provides a framework to investigate possible healthcare-associated viral hepatitis transmission events. This resource includes a summary of recommended investigation steps, a sample questionnaire to help identify healthcare exposures, and considerations regarding patient notifications.

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Hepatitis B and C Outbreaks Reported to CDC


This webpage summarizes healthcare-associated outbreaks of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection reported in the United States during 2008-2019.

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US Outbreak Investigations Highlight the Need for Safe Injection Practices and Basic Infection Control

By Journal

This article summarizes U.S. outbreak investigations involving healthcare-associated HBV and HCV, including examples involving unsafe injections, dialysis and diabetes care.

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Injection Safety


This website includes injection safety guidelines and recommendations, publications, and resources for patients and providers. Resource spotlights risk of bloodborne pathogen transmission associated with drug diversion and blood glucose monitoring.

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The ABCs of Hepatitis for Health Professionals


A convenient tabular summary of the epidemiology, natural history, treatment and prevention of HAV, HBV, and HCV.

Viral Hepatitis Outbreak Reports & News