
Last updated
July 25, 2024

About Norovirus

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes acute gastroenteritis, marked by vomiting and diarrhea. The virus spreads easily and quickly, both from infected people to others and through contaminated foods and surfaces. An outbreak of is defined as the occurrence of two or more norovirus illnesses resulting from a common exposure. Healthcare, including long-term care facilities and hospitals, represents a common setting for norovirus outbreaks. 

Resources, Guides, Reports, & Toolkits

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Guideline for the Prevention and Control of Norovirus Gastroenteritis Outbreaks in Healthcare Settings

By Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)

Comprehensive guidance for Norovirus surveillance, prevention and control in healthcare settings.

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Toolkit for Control of Norovirus Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Facilities

By Pennsylvania Department of Health

This toolkit was adapted from the CDC/HICPAC Guideline and may serve as a model for other states; it contains an outbreak response checklist, sample line lists, and outbreak report forms.

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EPA's Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective Against Norovirus [List G]

By Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Environmental cleaning is a key component of norovirus outbreak reponse; this resource includes an interactive table that details antimicrobial products listed as effective against norovirus.

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Sample Communication Framework: Suspected or Confirmed Norovirus Outbreaks


This resource offers a template for timely internal communications when a norovirus outbreak is suspected in a healthcare facility.

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Norovirus in Healthcare Facilities Fact Sheet


This two page fact sheet can be used to educate healthcare partners about norovirus transmission, diagnosis, and control measures.

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Burden of norovirus in healthcare facilities and strategies for outbreak control

By Journal

The authors summarize the challenges and economic burden posed by healthcare associated norovirus outbreaks and offer a tabular summary of CDC/HICPAC control recommendations.

Norovirus Outbreak Reports & News