Data Management

Featured tools to support data management during outbreak investigations

Resources which can aid healthcare and public health personnel

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Last updated: February 01, 2023
Published: March 09, 2025

About Data Management

Investigating outbreaks in healthcare settings requires the collection and management of significant volumes of data. These data may include intake information (e.g., entity reporting, dates of interest, and basic description of the situation), healthcare facility information, public health agency information, investigation information (e.g., dates of testing and onset, case definition, numbers and characteristics of cases, investigation methods, and suspected source), on-site visits conducted, laboratory information, control measures implemented, and summary and conclusions. This page includes resources which can aid healthcare and public health personnel in the management of these data. 

Resources, Guides, Reports, & Toolkits

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HAI Outbreak Standardized Variables List

This listing of Outbreak Standardized Variables, along with the associated REDCap database, can be used by public health jurisdictions or health organizations when deciding what information is most appropriate to collect during a healthcare outbreak investigation.

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Data Dictionary: HAI Outbreak Standardized Variables List

This tool supplements the HAI Outbreak Standardized Variables List, by allowing users to create a REDCap database. To do so, REDCap users should upload this data dictionary Excel file directly into a REDCap project.

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HAI/AR Outbreak Response Tracking System

This database, developed in Microsoft Access, can be used for tracking summary data for responses activities. It is not intended to capture individual case data as would be done with a line list or a database developed for a specific epidemiologic investigation.

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Data Dictionary: HAI/AR Outbreak Response Tracking System

This tool supplements the HAI/AR Outbreak Response Tracking System by providing a comprehensive data dictionary, as well as a set of considerations and instructions for use.

Data Management Outbreak Reports & News