CORHA members and partners convened in Atlanta, GA for the annual hybrid CORHA Fall Meeting. Council members engaged in two days of meeting discussions that ranged from data modernization and sharing of HAI/AR data, detection and response for respiratory viruses, and robust breakout sessions from CORHA’s three workgroups. In addition, Council members were briefed on updates to the CORHA Principles and Practices for Healthcare Outbreak Response chapters and other products, such as a one-pager to accompany the Framework for Healthcare-Associated Infection Outbreak Notification document.
The Council also analyzed the strategic map and considered key strategies for CORHA to achieve its mission, vision, and goals. The primary strategies discussed were (1) review pertinent policies and guidance documents issued by CORHA’s member organizations to ensure they meet the needs of the Council’s stakeholders, and (2) raise awareness amongst policymakers and the public to support HAI/AR outbreak response. In response to these areas of focus, members discussed how CORHA will continue to engage with and identify member organization needs, set priorities, and explore ways to review and disseminate new guidance documents. Members also agreed that endorsement by CORHA is highly valued, and opportunities for CORHA to provide such endorsements and aggregate multidisciplinary feedback will be explored. Addressing the second strategy, members identified that CORHA can collaborate with state health departments for surveillance and data reports, using storytelling and other methods to make data more widely accessible. Finally, leveraging member organizations’ social media for increased CORHA visibility, proactively preparing materials in advance of outbreaks, and rethinking data sharing are other key strategies to further the goals of the Council.

2023 CORHA Fall Meeting Attendees
Priority areas for CORHA members are efforts to enhance awareness of CORHA’s goals and objectives among policymakers, the public, and both public health and healthcare professionals. Council members also strive to increase the utilization of genomic data in outbreak scenarios, enhance public sharing of outbreak information, and address gaps in respiratory illnesses, multidrug-resistant organisms, and outbreaks of non-reportable conditions. Future activities also involve updating existing guidance, such as transforming influenza and COVID-19 guidance into universal respiratory infection guidance.
As CORHA heads into 2024, the Council will begin working on drafting a new strategic map for 2025 onwards. Fall Meeting discussions will continue to be deepened and expanded upon through workgroup and governance committee activities. Workgroup and Council-wide discussions will frame the direction of CORHA and inform ongoing and future activities to provide the most up-to-date resources to build, standardize, and improve HAI/AR outbreak detection, reporting, investigation, and control. To stay informed on CORHA activities, please continue reading the monthly CORHA Correspondence newsletter.